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What people say

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”.
Albert Einstein

"My organization hired Claire to raise the bar of their management practices and I was fortunate to attend many of her excellent seminars. I believe she made a very positive impact among the management. Claire can wear many hats; as a trainer and as a professional coach and counsellor for one-on-one professional development. She has the unique ability to both motivate and inspire her students, even for subjects traditionally presented as too complex or considered too mundane. During her training and coaching, she demonstrates an infectious enthusiasm for both the subject matter and teaching that makes learning a joy for her clients. Her professional counselling skills are superb; having a strong background in HR theory and practice she shares her experience and wisdom with her clients in a friendly and unassuming manner."  To sum up - Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert : Senior Business Consultant, Logistics

- Claire was creative, thoughtful, pragmatic and always supportive while being able to add her own impartial views to the process. Her coaching was instrumental for a successful employment change within 6 months. She is a highly professional coach with above par enthusiasm for her job. (Managing Director)

- Claire undertook the coaching role with great enthusiasm which did not reduce during the entire period. The extent of her management and consultancy experience became apparent within the first sessions and this gave me the confidence that I was talking to a professional who had 'been there before'. The decisions that I was able to make were, therefore, pragmatic and subsequently I set the strategic direction for the function. (Customer Services Manager)

- I would recommend HR Solutions to any business that needs to reach practical solutions whether to support individual managers or using training & development to create change and growth in their organisation (Senior Manager)

- HR solutions were very quick in response and we established a coaching relationship with Claire. The depth and quality of our meetings surprised me and gave me confidence for a career change negotiations with both my employer and companies which interviewed me. (High Potential Manager)

- Před týdnem jsem měl kurs s Claire Dicksonovou o Prezentačních dovednostech. Tehdy jsem nestačil ji poděkovat za úžasní přístup a profesionalitu. Prosím předejte ji moje slova, že je opravdu výjimečná. S mými kolegové jsme se shodly na tom, že pro nás to bylo nejlepší školení, kterého jsme kdy absolvovaly.
(A week ago I had a course with Claire Dickson, for presentation skills. I cannot thank her enough for the amazing approach and professionalism. Please pass by on my words, that it was really exceptional. With my colleagues we all agreed that for us it was the best training we've ever undergone.)

- I’ve just seen a picture in the lift ......the group T&D team have won a
National training award . Your concept for developing all organisational levels has turned into reality. (HR Director)

- Thanks for the training session. It was a great opportunity to get a bit of distance and open "the third eye". I really had a great time. (Delegate)

- Thank you for delivering all the sessions- all the feedbacks are really very good. (Management Development Manager)

- Let me thank you on good job done on the training. You have picked excellent lecturer/company. Good presentation, proper examples, lecturer handled all of us wonderfully. Perfect and detailed materials with easy orientation. (Senior Director)

- You are very positive person and transferred to me very positive energy. After the meeting with you I felt much better mainly because you also believe that what I am trying to do is making sense. Thank you also for your feedback on my analysis. (Company Owner)

- Thank you very much for that wonderful session, it was full of new
viewpoints about some very old patterns. You are really a great coach! (Personal Client)

"Most people do not really appreciate advice; what they do desire is support and discipline in doing what they already knows works." Marianne Williamson, author