Coaching Edge
Career Coaching
” You are what you think about all day long”
Dr. R. Schuller
Career assessment and transition coaching focuses on working with people who want to improve their work satisfaction, change jobs, or make a career change. It is typically a one to one interactive process of exploring work-related issues - leading to effective action. Sessions can cover some or all of the following:
- Career stock-take.
- Clarifying career goals, needs and aspirations
- Identifying issues and blocks.
- CV preparation and interviewing skills
An overview of our approach:
WHAT: Individual sessions to assist those in the process of career change or transition.
HOW: The coach works with an individual on a confidential 1 to 1 basis for a focussed period of time, dependent on the goals set. The coaching process will help the individual on their journey of change and consists typically of:
- IDENTIFYING NEEDS: Clarifying and agreeing what an individual wants to achieve.
- IDENTIFYING TALENTS AND MAKING THE MOST OF THEM: Agreeing how the individual and the coach will work together and identifying tools, if required, which will support the process, such as MBTI, 360 degree feedback, career motivators etc.
- AGREEING OPTIONS AND PLANS: Action planning, advice and review.
- Giving the individual the tools to manage and reach their career goals
- Rediscovering and reconnecting to ones purpose for life and work.
- Helping individuals manage their way through change.
- Expanding an individual’s view of what is possible.
- Committing to and taking action.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Typically middle to senior management and high potential managers.
FORMAT: Typically a coaching agreement involves bi-monthly sessions for an agreed period of time to achieve objectives. Email and telephone support as required.