Coaching Edge
Personal and Team
Personal Coaching
"What you are is what you have been; what you will be is what you do now"
Are you stuck? Looking for a change? Unfulfilled? Treading water rather than moving forward? Simply put, Life coaching helps get you from where you are today to where you want to be. After all, if you could have got there yourself, you would be there already!
Coaching is ultimately about action and results. What we focus on is very much up to you, but can include your needs, values, strengths, the things you enjoy and those things that simply get lost in the busyness of life.
An overview of our approach:
WHAT: Individual sessions to assist those in the process of personal change or transition.
HOW: Basically do you feel you are getting all that you can from life? To answer this question we are challenged to look into our family life, relationships, wealth, health, social life, work life and self-development. For most of us, we see at least one or two areas where we can gain more fulfilment and satisfaction.
BENEFITS: It is like having your own personal trainer. By working with a coach you will-
- Identify the things you do well and explore what is stopping you from achieving your objectives and goals.
- Turn wishful thinking into reality, by learning and using practical strategies and tools to help you achieve what you want.
- Shape your life with confidence, feeling better equipped to make choices that work for you
You will probably find that you take yourself more seriously and start to focus less on what you "should do" and more on what "you want to do". Fulfilment and happiness comes from setting and reaching goals that "You" want.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Individuals at any stage of life (whether working or not) who want the opportunity to explore where they are today and where they want to be in the future.
FORMAT: Typically the approach is through one to one sessions or self development workshops. Email or telephone support available.
Team Coaching
"Behind every able man, there are always other able men."
Chinese Proverb
Sometimes it is useful for a small team to go through the coaching process together (e.g. following a restructure) or certain elements of the coaching process (e.g. goal setting, team values). Team coaching is more than having a facilitator work with the group on issues. The most critical difference is that when working with the team, the coach is focused on action and accountability. This means that rather than just facilitating a process, the coach is working towards outcomes, decisions and agreeing responsibility with the team members.
As these requests tend to be specific, please get in contact to discuss your needs and we can work together on the best way to support you.